
MORPETH RDA GROUP’S Commitment to Volunteers

Morpeth RDA values every volunteer and is committed to giving each volunteer the best experience possible. 

RDA will:

  • welcome you, as a volunteer and provide appropriate opportunities for you to make a worthwhile contribution to the objectives of RDA
  • provide you with the appropriate training and the right equipment for the task
  • give guidance and support so that you will feel secure and confident in what you are doing
  • treat you and all volunteers equally and fairly
  • provide public liability, personal accident and Trustee indemnity insurance cover as appropriate
  • provide you with a health & safety policy and accident procedure, as appropriate
  • respect you as a volunteer, listen and learn from what you have to say, consistently encouraging two-way communication

In return we ask you to:

  • commit to the necessary training and give us your time
  • be reliable and to let us know in good time if you cannot attend
  • comply with agreed standards
  • be professional and loyal to RDA
  • be fair to those around you
  • talk to your RDA colleagues (volunteers or staff) first if you have a problem
  • take reasonable care of your own health and safety and that of others
  • respect the need for confidentiality whenever you have access to restricted charity information

If you have any queries, please email us at morpethrdavolunteers@gmail.com

Please take a look at the Volunteer Handbook via this link



RDA National Policies

National Office have reviewed and updated all RDA policies. Policies will now only be updated annually unless there are any legislation changes or there is an urgent need to review a policy in the year.

All the policies can be found at:


A copy of the Constitution of the Morpeth Riding for the Disabled Association Incorporating Carriage Driving (Charitable Incorporated Organisation) is available for inspection upon request at the RDA Office